Industrial Decarbonization AI Coalition
Facilitating and scaling the use of AI in industry to accelerate decarbonization efforts
An Initiative by
IDAIC is open to UK-operating industrial companies, manufacturers, AI/ML companies, research centers and non-profits working at the intersection of industrial decarbonization and AI
For MENA-operating organizations, please go here
Our Mission
To unlock the potential of AI and machine learning in supporting industrial decarbonization by enabling advanced R&D, industry collaboration and solutions development.
Our Focus
Our initial focus will be on education, awareness, and identifying sectoral opportunities. Ultimately we aim to facilitate novel R&D and solutions development in the areas of AI for industrial processing and materials discovery.
Meet the Team
Anna Riley
Partnership Lead, IDAIC
Dr. Caroline Chibelushi
Knowledge Transfer Manager - Artificial Intelligence, Innovate UK Business Connect
Christopher Pilgrim
Knowledge Transfer Manager - Materials, Innovate UK Business Connect
Sarah Mackintosh
Director, Cleantech for UK
Sherif Elsayed-Ali
Partner, Nexus Climate